Over the weekend, Beyond Good & Evil creator Michel Ancel gave a talk at the Montpellier in Game conference in France. As a treat, he showed off some concept art and footage from the game's sequel, the long-in-development Beyond Good & Evil 2. That's the good news!
Ubiart Framework was designed for artists and has the potential to bring a revolution in the Gaming Industry. Rayman's creator himself, Michel Ancel, when asked about Ubiart Framework, has stated that: 'If you look at the best artists at Disney for example, they create incredible books and artwork and share their processes. Rayman Legends - Setup music. By Reloaded Games Download → Uploaded: 2016-10-30T01:28:25.000Z. Zolid Hi Speed Dvd Maker Software.
The bad news is that, because the talk was behind closed doors, the only way we're seeing it now is because somebody filmed it on their phone. Meaning everthing's more than a little shaky. At around 0:45 you'll see concept art for the game, while at around 2:20 you can see a fly-around of what looks like the stage from. As for what was spoken of, apparently the development team travelled to India for inspiration, while the game's engine can produce 'huge, fully explorable cities'.