4 There is definitely a fuse. You need to remove the the vent covering to access the insides of the hood, you can't get to it from underneath. Once you have the vent cover off there's a black box with 4 screws holding the cover on. Remove the screws, open the box and look for a black fuse holder at the end of a wire. Unscrew the cap on the fuse holder and you'll find a burned out fuse if you installed 50w light bulbs like I did.
Introduction Given the wide variety of generators manufactured for different markets, it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks to each when it comes. Feb 13, 2008 - 2 min - Uploaded by ArturWiring and connections should be totally visable at all times.
A pack of 4 fuses was $4 at Radio Shack, which was the only place I could find them. 3 Thanks for the help! I had already opened the chimney, found the service envelope which includes a troubleshooting flow list and a exploded diagram. Located the burnt 8amp fuse and replaced it. I assumed the lights to be the problem so I tested the fan first. Found that the fan control module works but only has 2 On speeds (Low and Max) and all buttons turn off the fan if pressed twice. Then tested the lights.
Instant fuse failure. Called GE and scheduled a service call for Tuesday because the repair requires another transformer (5th since 2001), modules and other components on the board I can not test and replace with confidence. 0 Just turned on the lights, went out to fire up the grill and wala!
Hood lights were off. Tried the lights. Checked the fan. Maybe the house breaker panel. Nothing tripped. I hope the is a simple fix.
When our unit was new we replaced the light ballast under the warranty. Now seven years old, we have been through 3 more ballast replacements at our expense. This new problem is different in that it appears no power is getting to the switches at all. Nothing works. Fan, lights nor switches. If you found out there is a fuse please let us know. I don't need the manual or installation instruction.
Already have it. I would like to find an exploded diagram for this unit to educate myself on the components. Outliers Torrent Pdf. I wonder if there is one available to us owners.