- This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how IBM has enhanced its managed file transfer portfolio consisting of MQ File Transfer Edition with the Sterling Business Integration Suite. The Sterling Business Integration Suite consists of Sterling File Gateway and Sterling Connect:Direct. Sterling Commerce. Kd Max Crack Keygen Serial Key.
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The Sterling Gentran:Director Template Library enables you to download template/translation objects for the Sterling Gentran:Director product. You will be able to download print, screen, turnaround and tdf template/translation objects. Log in to IBM Sterling Customer Center: Then, click the link labeled IBM Sterling Library: If the IBM Sterling Library link does not appear on the left after you log into Sterling Customer Center then with IBM for Sterling Gentran:Director support to request access. Supported browsers for IBM Sterling Customer Center: • Microsoft ® Internet Explorer versions 7.0 and 8.0 • Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 • Google Chrome 5t Additional resource.