Fujitsu Siemens Stylistic St4110 Drivers

There you can leave a comment if Google doesn't let you here. Here are a few tips about how to get a fully working Windows 7 system on a Fujitsu Stylistic ST5011D tablet. Many things listed here likely also applies to other ST5000 series tablets that does not have any official Windows 7 support.

View full Fujitsu Stylistic ST4110 specs on CNET. Fujitsu Stylistic ST4110 - 10.4' - PIII-M - Win XP Tablet PC - 512 MB RAM - 40 GB HDD Series Specifications. Overview Specifications. Built-in Devices. Antenna, Speaker, Microphone, Digitizer panel, Display. Fujitsu Siemens Computers.

I am assuming the reader have some general knowledge about computers, so this is not a step-by-step walkthrough. Install Windows 7 No surprises here. Just grab a USB keyboard (and mouse if you want), make a Windows 7 USB drive with either or, boot your tablet from the USB drive and install away. Hp 6210 Printer Drivers. Install Video Driver This is probably the most difficult part because of the Intel 855GM video chipset. Just search for 'Intel 855GM Windows 7' to see many rants and complaints.;-) The following is how I got it working on my tablet: 0. Start from a fresh Windows 7 installation and make a system restore point. Basically, take ownership and full permissions of the file%windowsroot% system32 drivers vgapnp.sys, corrupt it (use a hex editor, not notepad), uninstall 'Standard VGA Adapter', reboot, update driver for 'Video Controller (VGA Compatible)' with the Vista drivers you downloaded in Step 1.