ABOUT 10,000 people a week go to The Rack, a bar in Boston favored by sports stars, including members of the New England Patriots. One by one, they hand over their driver's licenses to a doorman, who swipes them through a sleek black machine. If a license is valid and its holder is over 21, a red light blinks and the patron is waved through.
But most of the customers are not aware that it also pulls up the name, address, birth date and other personal details from a data strip on the back of the license. Even height, eye color and sometimes Social Security number are registered. 'You swipe the license, and all of a sudden someone's whole life as we know it pops up in front of you,' said Paul Barclay, the bar's owner.
Aug 11, 2011. Whether you get data by the user keying it in or by picking it up from a card swipe should make no difference to how you ultimately store it on a database. We have a similar process here: we use barcode scanners, so the user can scan the product id with the barcode, or if an item has no barcode label or it's.
Animation Programs For Windows. 'It's almost voyeuristic.' Barclay bought the machine to keep out underage drinkers who use fake ID's. But he soon found that he could build a database of personal information, providing an intimate perspective on his clientele that can be useful in marketing. 'It's not just an ID check,' he said. 'It's a tool.'
Bar codes and other tracking mechanisms have become one of the most powerful forces in automating and analyzing product inventory and sales over the last three decades. Now, in a trend that alarms privacy advocates, the approach is being applied to people through the simple driver's license, carried by more than 90 percent of American adults. Already, about 40 states issue driver's licenses with bar codes or magnetic stripes that carry standardized data, and most of the others plan to issue them within the next few years. Scanners that can read the licenses are slowly proliferating across the country. So far the machines have been most popular with bars and convenience stores, which use them to thwart underage purchasers of alcohol and cigarettes.