Jan 10, 2006. Evidence of a false thumb in a fossil carnivore clarifies the evolution of pandas. The 'false thumb' of pandas is a carpal bone, the radial sesamoid, which has been enlarged and functions. Over a quarter of a century ago, Stephen Jay Gould celebrated the concept of contingency in evolution.

Resource Type Format Topics Covered The north and south polar regions of Earth are inhabited by very different organisms. Why are there no polar bears in the Antarctic, and no penguins in the Arctic? Image Graphic Evidence for Evolution This textbook synopsis provides a condensed introduction to the field of biogeography.

Hosted by the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford University. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution This site explains how fossil, molecular, biogeographic, and comparative anatomical studies provide evidence for evolution.

The illustrations must be loaded individually, but are worth the trouble. Hosted by the National Academy of Sciences. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution In this article, author P.

Stephen Jay Gould Panda Thumb Pdf

Wesley Edwards discusses the gamut of evidence for evolution, showing converging lines of evidence from the fields of paleontology, biogeography, molecular biology, embryology, and comparative anatomy. Hosted by the Freethought Debater. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution In this activity, high school students perform biogeographic analysis to infer the evolutionary history of a group of three lizard species in the Canary Islands. Teacher instructions and a variety of possible outcomes of the activity are included. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.

External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution This Talk.Origins discussion begins with a clear and thorough explanation of the difficulties of the species concept, then moves on to review the extensive primary literature (to 1995), organized by speciation mechanism. The bibliography is enormous. Hosted by Talk.Origins. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution This 1855 text, written at Sarawak in Borneo, represents Wallace's early thinking on the origin of species, pre-natural selection.

Hosted by Western Kentucky University. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution In this 1859 manuscript, Wallace details the geographical placement of various groups of animals in the archipelago and pinpoints the location of the dividing line, now called 'Wallace's Line,' dividing Eurasian and Australasian fauna. Hosted by Western Kentucky University. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution This site provides a clear explanation for how three basic evolutionary mechanisms -- sympatric, allopatric, and parapatric speciation -- work. Hosted by the University of Miami.

External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution In this article, paleontologist Niles Eldredge chronicles the history of the study of speciation, highlighting the notion of punctuated equilibrium. The links and bibliography can take you to additional useful information on the topic of species and speciation. Hosted by actionbioscience. Win Xp 64 Bit Iso Download. org. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution This site explains how the biogeography of organisms, which keeps closely related species in fairly close proximity, provides further evidence for evolution.

The role of plate tectonics in determining geographic locations of organisms is also discussed. Hosted by Nova Southeastern University. External Link HTML Evidence for Evolution Biodiversity is a Guarantee of Evolution This transcript of an interview with Nobel Prize-winning microbiologist Werner Arber reveals his opinions about the origins of biodiversity and its evolutionary and ecological consequences.