► Game Version & CompatibilityMost important thing to do before downloading any CC, is to make sure your game is fully patched to the latest version to prevent any unwanted behavior caused by CC from later versions. But that also means CC from previous versions might harm your game as well. So you must be careful and read about what you're downloading. I've had that issue countless times where it caused weird bugs and annoying crashes to my game. But luckily most legit modders have updated their creations to Pets Expansion Pack patch. So you need to update your game to version 1.26 or newer. Drivers License Barcode Format.

A lot of Households/Sims/Lots contain custom content (CC) that is either bad or that you don't want. Some of them are. Install the stuff. Add to Gamewill no longer install the content automatically so you can check it before installing. Please check the Helper's Corner for Sims 4 or Sims 3 and The Academy. Bitte akzeptiere. Sims2pack clean installer is a tool for Sims 2 ™ and all the people who downloads a lot of custom content. S2PCI can be used to categorize, catalog or remove that content. It will also help you in installing your files. You will be able to preview some content before installing. It has a built in unrar and uzip routines, as well as.

To check which patch you're running, open your Launcher and look in the bottom left corner. Hover over your base game icon to find out the game version. ► Download In order to download your CC, you will need a program that can extract 'archive' files, such as WinRar, 7zip.

In case your download was compressed. After extracting your file, you need to know which type of file it is. You can tell what type of file you have by looking at its file extension. The Sims 3 CC come in 3 types. Edgar Allan Poe Masca Mortii Rosii Pdf To Word. • Sims3Packs. Each file type has its own installation method and directory. It should be obvious what type your files are, they'll end with.package,.sims3pack, or.sim.

Sims 3 Clean Pack InstallerSims 3 Clean Pack Installer

► Installing Sims 3 Package Files A Sims 3 package file has the extention.package and a default file icon. • Download the already made folder [chii.modthesims.info].

• Go to My Documents-->Electronic Arts-->The Sims 3 • Extract it in the above directory. The ' Mods' folder contains everything you need to set up your Custom content including: • Packages folder, is where you will be placing your packages files. • resource.cfg file will make sure they work.