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Uninstall Office Software Protection Platform Service

Hi all, We're facing a serious issue at the moment. Every Terminal Server ( Remote Desktop Services Windows Server Standard 2008 r2 x64 ) is showing performance issues for logged in TS Users and MS Office. Users report system freezes for 20-30 seconds at a time, multiple times per day. The Terminal Servers are running in VM's ( VMWare ESXi 5.0 U1 ) From the Windows/Application logs, we have the following entry showing up multiple times per minute (! Domus 3d Keygen Torrent.

Remove Office Software Protection Platform Service

) Log Name: Application Source: Security-SPP Event ID: 1003 Level: Information User N/A OpCode: Info Logged: 19/4/2012 3:17:47 PM Task Category: None Keywords: Classic Computer server1.XXXXXXX.XXX The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check. The license server is discovered by using a mailslot broadcast. Because many networks do not allow broadcasts, we recommend that you add the following registry key information about the Windows 2000-based terminal server so that the discovery process for the license server will work: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentCon trolSet Se rvices Ter mService P arameters Name: DefaultLicenseServer Data type: REG_SZ Data value: is a placeholder for the NetBIOS name or for the IP address of the license server that you want to use. (Do not use servername.) Determine whether licensing has been installed in the domain role or in the enterprise role. In this environment, licensing must be in the domain role: HKLM System CurrentControl Set Servic es TermSer vLicensing Parameter s Role REG_DWORD 0x00000000 0 = Domain Role 1 = Enterprise Role. Hi 123problems, No, sadly this did not fix our problem, which in the meantime we have fixed ourselves.