Oct 28, 2013. All I want is an emulator with save states, so I was directed to Demul. I want to play Evolution, an impossible game without the ability to save. I understand I have to change the BIOS name, but I can't figure out what this message is asking me for. Which file(s) do I rename and what is the name of the folder. Aug 20, 2014. Make sure the plugins are set as follows. If there is nothing in Roms and Bioses Paths, create the folder 'roms' in the Demul folder and click Add. Navigate to the roms folder in the window that pops up and. I'm currently working on a Demul complete per-game control setup for the Xbox 360 Controller.
Step 5.3: Using a Server to Find or Host Games Step 1: Downloading First, you're going to want to download the newest Demul (at the time of writing this tutorial, it is 0.5.6 WIP) Link: Next, grab the newest netblade plugin. Currently, the newest version is 0.45. Link: [REMOVED] UPDATE: THE NEW VERSIONS OF NETBLADE WILL DESYNC. STICK WITH THE ORIGINAL 0.38 UNTIL NOW (DOWNLOAD HERE: ). Of course, you should always check to see if these are the newest files from the official sites. Step 2: Initial Setup When you first download and extract Demul, you're going to get a folder like this: Open Demul by clicking the Demul file in the folder. You will get a 'BIOS & Plugins not configured' message.
This will appear: At this point, you can configure whatever options you need to, or you can come back to it later. You'll notice that there is no Net Play plugin. We'll go ahead and take care of that now. Extract the netBlade_v0.42(Windows) into it's own folder somewhere else.
Then, drag and drop kailleraclient.dll and the netblade.ini file into the demul folder. Place the netBlade.dll file into your plugins folder. Now when you go back to your Bios & Plugins page, you'll already have the Net Blade plugin in the spot it needs to be. Step 3: Game Setup While this step is usually easy for most games (throw the games and bios into the roms folder and play), MvC2 is a little tricky.
Most of you will get an error that mpr-23083.ic31 is not the correct file size, and that would be correct. It's actually mpr-23083.ic31 and mpr-23084.ic32 that are the wrong sizes, and quite frankly I don't know why. What I do know is that I have a nifty little pack you can download that does NOT CONTAIN THE ROM FOR MVC2, only the files you need for it, including the fully unlocked nvram so you don't have to do those fussy unlocks. Link: You really need to pay attention to this next part so that you don't overwrite the files you need. Before doing anything with my pack, first check your mvc2 file. Is it a.zip or some other compressed format?
If so, unzip it. Then, unzip my pack into your demul folder, overwriting both mpr-23083. World Cup 2014 Theme Song Free Download Shakira. ic31 and mpr-23084.ic32. The nvram for the game will also be placed into the appropriate folder at this time. If you would like to, you can go ahead and re-zip/rar/whatever the mvc2 folder, or you can just leave it how it is. Demul will read it either way.
Now that we're done setting up the game itself, let's move on to setting up Net Play and your controller. Step 4: Net Play and Controller Setup First, go to Config ->NetPlay and you should see this screen: Check the box next to 'Enable NetPlay', then click OK. Next, go to Config ->Game Pad. Since we're dealing with arcade games, you're going to want to set up the JAMMA controls. Choose 'Joy 1' under JAMMA and click each button to set it to a key or your arcade stick. Lucky for us, MvC2 just went right down the list of buttons in a really simple order. 1, 2, and 3 are LP, FP, and A1, respectively, while 4, 5, and 6 are LK, FK, and A2, respectively.