Microprocessor technology has always been a difficult field to approach. Fortunately with Advanced Microprocessors And Peripherals by Ajoy Kumar Ray and K M Bhurchandi, various complicated aspects have been rendered easy to understand.
Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals A.K. Bhurchandi Tata McGraw Hill 3rd Edition - Microprocessor technology has always been a difficult field to approach. Results 1 - 8. Badri Ram, “Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill. Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals. Free Ebooks microprocessor a.k ray for download in PDF, MOBI. Dv500 Drivers Windows 7. Jan 20, 2013. Microprocessor interfacing by ak ray - free eBooks download. Download free.
The book introduces basic theory, concepts, and designs and explains it through practical application. There are various concepts that have been explained through discussions using programming and interfacing examples such as those using assembly language. The book begins with the root concept about the processors and moves on to instruction and assembler directives.
There are also references made to the architectural characteristics of the programming language and the related aspects. There are also relevant concepts like interfacing of basic peripherals, special programmable peripheral devices, and more.
The approach is simplistic and caters to every student’s needs. One can find useful information related to CRT controllers, Floppy disks, and DMA in Advanced Microprocessors And Peripherals. Microcontrollers and its management as well as architecture are also dealt with in this work.